Sunday 2 February 2014

AK-14 Vs NaMo Vs RaGa Debate (In alphabetical Order only)

Okay, Arnab has poured in 100 Kg, Barkha has poured 50 Kg, Deepak Chaurasiya has thrown 10 Kg, Ashutosh has consumed his quota, so he moved on to the other side and rest all are continuing with their share of words on three probable PM candidates and the possibilities of government formation with 16th Lok Sabha. Hence, I thought, let me also put my meagre 100 gms in the ongoing debate.

We know the supporters of respective candidates have their calculations and/or opinion polls ready for their claims. So, let’s assume, one of these Gentleman would be the next PM of India, irrespective of whatever they are going to dish out in their manifestos such as good governance, corruption free India or Tarakki (progress) for everyone, what else is going to change in our beloved country, India. We all know, how good our leaders are in fulfilling their promises and claims made in election manifestos be it for an Aam Aadami or Khas Aadami.

Let’s assume whosoever is elected and selected (considering the compulsions of coalition politics) and fortunately for our country’s sake, fulfil his promises. But, will it make any change on our society in terms of how judgmental we are, how quickly we make opinion about things and our all-time favourite, issuing character certificates based on shallow assumptions. We easily say, due to poor law enforcement, more rapes are happening and we went to the extent of naming our national capital as “Rape Capital”. In a society where age of victim as well as rapist is not a criteria (we have victim of the age of 1 year to rapist in the age of 70+), how much covered or exposed the female is not a criteria for rapist to select their victims.

We talk of corruption in government offices, but isn’t corruption equally rampant in private sector, within the organizations, there are people who misuse their power and resources but since no RTI is applicable there, hence it is easily swept under the carpet. So why, single out the corruption of a police constable or Municipal Corporation’s clerk. There are enumerable cases of sexual assault and corruption in private sector organizations, but majority of them are either unnoticed or cleared of with some mild punishment, as it happened recently in the case of Great Crusader of female rights, Tarun Tejpal. Here again, the corruption is at all levels, and the logic that lesser wages (defense argument for government sector) is also defied here since most of the private sector executives are better paid than their counterparts in government sector.

Last but not the least and the longer point I would like to highlight is that will you:
  • stop breaking traffic rules or
  • stop the practice of big fat Indian wedding (That money can be used for noble causes and huge wastage can be controlled) or
  • start following all procedures in public places or
  • start treating woman as a woman rather than a sex machine or dishes served in a buffet (as described by the Greatest singer/composer/lyricist SHRI SHRI YO YO HONEY SINGHJI MAHARAJ in his song Pajama Party)
  • start behaving as an Indian rather than being racist to citizens of our own country or let me put other way that stop treating humans as humans rather than Marathi/Biharis/Mallus/Idli-Dosa/Roshogulla/Punjabi/Chowmein or Hubshis (slang used for people from African countries – used by an elected representative of Delhi). ENOUGH!

if the next PM of our country is of your choice.

We Indians are very bad at following rules or let me put it other way, we get a sense of achievement when we break a rule of law. We follow rules only if there is a monetary penalty for not following it. So, idea behind my 100 gms, is that first we need to learn self-discipline, behave like a better human being, a responsible citizen, before aligning ourselves politically and starting the cacophony in favour of our respective choices. Our lack of awareness, disrespect for law and I AM ALWAYS RIGHT attitude has forced us in present state. We allowed them to misuse ourselves for our petty objectives, we gave them power and naturally if we are giving power without accountability, corruption is going to flourish. 

No doubt, we are a democratic country and we have every right to incline ourselves politically and to even express it (limited beauty of our democracy). But, also need to understand responsibility before right (it follows the same sequence in dictionary too). Our political inclinations must be after the national and human priorities. Citizens from the countries which boast of stable political system and less corrupt governance performs really well on above issues or may be other way round, take a cue from them, Mitron J.

P. S: Hope my 100 grams weren’t too heavy on you and apologies for mentioning the racist words used in common language to put my point.