Thursday 16 July 2015

Hard Rock Café to be declared a Tourist Destination in India


Officials of Ministry of Tourism for Government of India yesterday went into a state of shock, when they received a letter from owner of Hard Rock Café (HRC) outlet located in Cyber Hub, Gurgaon. As per the not so official spokesperson from Ministry, HRC has requested to declare the HRC outlet at Gurgaon as Tourist Destination rather than a regular café or pub. The reasons given by revealed some shocking facts and interesting statistics. Actually, this all happened, when on one fine day, the hospitality manager at the outlet, Ciggy Sharma, was having regular dope dose of tobacco outside the café, he noticed, total 18 people in three different groups came there, got a picture clicked in front of the outer wall where the logo of HRC is displayed but none of them went inside the café. He also observed that immediately after clicking the picture, they all got into their smart phones, probably, updating their FB check in and showing the world that they are at HRC.









He immediately brought this to the notice of his seniors. HRC management went into a huddle and immediately called consultants from BIG 4 consulting companies, whose offices are located in the same premise as HRC. To their surprise the partner and senior managers of consulting companies who are regular at HRC, told that they themselves have observed many times, that their employees often show their check-in at HRC, though in actual they are spending late evenings on editing the 5 year old presentation for the company profile. HRC got a study done and after some serious number crunching, data analysis and rounds of power point presentations, they received some seriously shocking revelations.

  • For every 1 guest coming INSIDE the HRC, there are almost 2.25 check-ins on social media.
  • On an average, the HRC sales revenue will also increase by more than 2 times, if these virtual check-ins materialize into actual ones.
  • Accepting the fact that these are virtual and will remain virtual, if they start charging a fee for every photo clicked with their logo on outside wall, HRC’s profits will take a huge jump.
  • The sales revenue will shoot up further if they can charge for every check-in on social media unless it is supported by the actual bill number with check-in status.

HRC officials, have sent their request through letter and they are preparing a detailed presentation to the Ministry of Tourism as well as Ministry of Culture. HRC is also planning to conduct similar studies for their other outlets in India, and if the results are encouraging, they may consider it doing for other countries, although the initial feelers are  that this phenomenon may not yield desired results outside India.




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